This blog was updated in November 2020 as we continue to connect online for weekly coworking sessions. Let’s come together to combat isolation and to support each other with some productive work time. Everyone is welcome to join our free sessions.
Original Blog Post in March 2020. Yes, we must come together to combat isolation. It’s the only way. By now, we hopefully all know the rules and yet, it is new and tricky territory. Self-isolate, quarantine, social distancing, physical distancing.
I feel blessed to live in a country that I trust is doing its best to keep us safe and informed. And yet, the rumour mill and media are doing what they do best: creating a frenzy (whether intentional or unintentional doesn’t matter). That is to say, the frenzy can create a panic, fear and detrimental consequences to so many.
With people self-isolating in their homes, it means increased screen time. As a result, I’ve had to limit my own online time to protect myself. Specifically, I get trustworthy information from three sources. Firstly, from the Government of Canada’s website with Coronavirus updates and support.
Secondly, British Columbia’s Provincial Medical Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry has done a stellar job holding daily press conferences with coronavirus updates. I decided early on to forgive her for encouraging people to come to Whistler during spring break. Yes, you could hear a collective gasp in our community when that hit the airwaves. But that seems like a lifetime ago.
And lastly, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) website. Other than that, I’ve lost faith in news sources providing me with the information that I need to stay well physically, mentally and emotionally. But that’s just me.
Yes, we all have to come together to combat coronavirus isolation. And, this is a new way of connecting. Certainly, by following the rules dictated by our incredible health experts but also to keep hope alive. To carry on and run our businesses. To support each other. To connect with each other.
I’ve always been fortunate to have a global community of professionals in my world. As a result, I’ve been part of the trend for online learning and meetings. Certainly, I’ve considered bringing that format to my network over the years but my efforts to do so haven’t always been that successful. Until now.
With a need to work from home and create social distance, people are open to fostering an environment of connection by any means available. You see, connection is essential. It is a human need. Countless studies have proven it.
In 2013, distinguished social psychologist and neuroscientist Matthew Lieberman wrote his book, ‘Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect‘ to prove why relationships are a central part of a flourishing life. In short, he confirms what Aristotle asserted long ago in his Politics:
“Man is by nature a social animal … Anyone who either cannot lead the common life or is so self-sufficient as not to need to, and therefore does not partake of society, is either a beast or a god.”
In other words, the time was right to bring virtual connection to my community. To share a wave of support and burst of productivity and plain, to spread the love.
So many reasons. We have already covered that connection is essential. We have also covered that we need to come together to combat coronavirus isolation and that it means more than doing what we need to do to keep it from spreading. It also means that we need to go on.
People are feeling isolated right now due to fears from the coronavirus threat or challenges from the global economy. Or both. Perhaps lacking motivation and focus while either working from home or in an office. Or you could just be feeling stuck.
Remember – I believe connection is essential and if we aren’t gathering in person quite as much, we can come together virtually. Through the support of an online co-working session, we can help alleviate the aloneness, amp up our individual productivity and hold each other accountable. Quite simply, it is coming together virtually for community, connection, support and accountability.
Every Thursday at 9:00 am, we connect using this Zoom link. Same link every week! We go until 11 am but you can join when you want and for all or part of the session. No pressure.
I will start us off with a quick welcome and a dose of inspiration. Then we break out into focused ‘head down’ time for each of us to work on a project or task of our choice. It could be related to work or your self-care – again, your call. Here are some ideas to ignite your thought process: clean out your email inbox, map out a strategy for a big project, food prep for the week’s meals, write in your journal.
I recommend that you minimize distractions to give yourself the gift of focused time. Turn off your text, phone, emails if able to do so.
All sessions are FREE, no RSVP is necessary and you can JOIN HERE. Put it in your calendars. If you are in another time zone, check here to see how this converts to your time zone. Please SHARE THIS with anyone that might like to join us. It is not restricted in any way so everyone from anywhere can take part.
IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, reach out to me here. Let’s all do our part and come together to create connection and community to help us through it all.
To sum up, if you want to know more about who is hosting these events you can check me out right here. I’m a community passionista that wants to do my part to create connection and community during this time of communal overwhelm.