As a child, I was a voracious reader and had an intuitive inkling that I would always put pen to paper. In fact, I’ve kept a journal for as long as I can remember.
During my entrepreneurial journey, I had a 14-year stint writing a business column for the Whistler Question newspaper. After that, I’ve written feature stories for the Pique Newsmagazine. My blogs have been featured in a variety of other business sites such as Arlene Dickinson’s YOU Inc, Career Contessa, Small Business BC and Women’s Enterprise Centre.
You’ll find topics that cover everything from strategic planning, working from a home office to grief, financial wellness and being sober curious. My approach to writing is filled with facts, but also wrapped in whimsical theories and authentic honesty.

4 Steps to Find Meaning in Daily Life
Take a moment and consider what are the times that you felt most alive – in a lasting, meaningful way? Chances are, it wasn’t when you bought a new pair of shoes or sat scrolling through Instagram reels. And, it probably wasn’t even after achieving a big goal. More likely, it was during a moment of genuine connection or when you were fully present in an experience that led you to find meaning in daily life. So here we go –

My 2025 Theme Reveal
My 2025 Theme Reveal (and the intentions that will have me living it!) I love to choose a theme to guide me through the year and because I believe in ‘walking the walk, I’m sharing my theme, complete with intentions that will have me living it! Oh, FULL DISCLAIMER here: this blog is also an accountability piece for me. Once I hit ‘publish’, I’ve shared my theme and the commitment to fulfill it is out there. What you’ll find here

How to Choose a Theme for the New Year
This is one of my favourite blogs to write because I love sharing how to choose a theme for the new year. To set the record straight, choosing a theme is very different from setting New Year’s resolutions. In fact, it’s been proven that resolutions almost always fizzle out. So, let’s start by understanding what a theme actually is and what makes it more effective. WHY CHOOSE A THEME? A theme is a word or words that embody what you want to

How to Have Freedom in Business and Adventure in Life
Back in 2014, I wrote a weekly column for the Whistler Question newspaper (now owned by Glacier Media/Pique Newsmagazine). My life as an entrepreneur was busy back then and I had a keen interest in how to have freedom in business and adventure in life. So, who better to tap into for advice than my friend Natalie Sisson? Freedom in Business and Adventure in Life Natalie was (and continues to be) an entrepreneur and back then, she coined the phrase

Reigniting Self-Care
Bestselling author, Jonathan Fields recently wrote an article on reigniting self-care after a bout of illness. You can read the full article in his Substack, but in a nutshell…… He got a bad case of shingles and was in severe pain with it for four months. Interestingly, he’s a fairly chill guy so those that know him were surprised since shingles often hits when stress levels are elevated, along with a dysregulated nervous system and immune system. Fields is known as the

How to Design a Powerful Personal Manifesto
My theme for 2024 is ALOHA. For me, my theme is a constant source of inspiration that carries me through the year. It gives me clarity on what I want to achieve, how I want to live and provides a beacon for easy decision making. But, words are just words unless we give them context and purpose. I do that by creating a manifesto to add depth. To help, here is a glimpse into a bit of mine and also

My 2024 Theme (and how to choose your own)
My 2024 Theme (and how to choose your own) – Cathy Goddard, Lighthouse Visionary Strategies This is one of my favourite blogs to write every year because I get to share my hopes for the future. And, along the way I can offer up strategies for you to do the same. Let’s get started so I can share my 2024 theme (and how to choose your own)! Oh, FULL DISCLAIMER here: this blog is also an accountability piece for me.

How To Reflect on Last Year and Set Goals for the New Year
Starting a new year can feel overwhelming but it’s all about how to reflect on last year and set goals for the new year. Time to move forward. Ironically, a powerful way to do that is to start with self-reflection. So, set aside time to assess your personal and professional development over the past year and use that to determine your future path. No judgment, no guilt. Goal Setting Isn’t for Everyone – To Set Goals or Not First, there

3 Simple Steps to Set & Crush Your 2024 Goals
3 simple steps to set and crush your 2024 goals. That’s it – 3 steps. This is for you if you’re not much into goal setting but would like a bit of a plan to leap into the new year. Because, goal setting doesn’t have to be a big, heavy project. First, let’s tackle the fact that setting goals is a hot trend. And, not setting goals is a hot trend. No matter whether you follow the mainstream adages or

The Best Way To Start Journaling
I’m on a mission to spread the word on the best way to start journaling. I’m a lifelong journaler. From the earliest years, my innermost feelings were safeguarded in a blue faux leather diary complete with lock and key. In hindsight, it didn’t really secure anything since the rickety lock was nothing more than a deterrence. One snap and my heart could come spilling out all over the place. Even so, I felt that I had something all my own

9 Simple Tips to Achieve Goals
It’s July! That means half the year is gone but it also means that half the year is still to come. If you are one of the many people feeling that you aren’t achieving what you wanted to this year, you’re not alone. And even if you’re tracking fairly well so far, these 9 simple tips to achieve goals will set you up for even greater success as you coast into the last six months of 2023. It seems that

4 Steps to Reset Your 2023 Goals
We are already halfway through 2023! I know I’m not the only one that feels like this year has whizzed by. Once we hit this point though, it’s a great time to look back at what we had planned when we started setting goals for the new year. Certainly, a process helps so here are 4 steps to reset your 2023 goals. FLOWING WITH LIFE’S GOALS First, we need to remember that goals are not stagnant. They should flow within

4 Ways to Stop Feeling Guilty
In both my coaching practice and mentor program, guilt is a common topic. Undoubtedly, we’ve all felt it. A sinking feeling in the pit of our stomachs. A sleepless night. Perhaps when we made a mistake or let someone down. Or when we set boundaries or ruminate too deeply on the past. As an emotion, guilt holds a lot of power so let’s look at 4 ways to stop feeling guilty. Pitfalls & Benefits of Guilt Before we jump to

5 Stages of Goal Achievement
Whether through my coaching practice or those participating in my mentor program, clients often share that they are really good at setting goals but then…… they fizzle out. Understandably, that is met with frustration and confusion. But, understanding the 5 stages of goal achievement goes a long way to keep us moving through each phase. After all, if a goal has meaning and will help you fill your intentions, then it is worth giving it your effort and your best.

Spark Your Sense of Wonder
Have you ever wanted to spark your sense of wonder? I love the word ‘wonder’. I also feel that I have a good sense of wonder. I charge at full speed and then hard stop….. something beautiful catches my eye. A bird foraging for sustenance. A moody sky looming dark and misty in the distance. A dog joyfully chasing his much coveted ball. The sun glistening on the mountains. I’m blessed to have that level of awareness that sparks my

International Women’s Day 2023: Embrace Equity
While last year’s theme was Break The Bias, the 2023 theme for International Women’s Day (IWD) is Embrace Equity and it is forging global conversation about this important issue and its impact. The call is to embrace equity now and beyond. As we celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8th, we are reminded that the campaign isn’t for just one day. We must continually pledge to move from talk to action within our own spheres of influence all year long. Collectively, we can

4 Steps to Design Your Personal Manifesto
My theme for 2023 is TIME. For me, my theme is a constant source of inspiration that carries me through the year. It gives me clarity on what I want to achieve, how I want to live and provides a beacon for easy decision making. But, words are just words unless we give them context and purpose. I do that by creating a short and sweet manifesto to add depth. To help, here are 4 steps to design your personal manifesto.

My Theme for 2023 (and how to choose your own)
This is always one of my favourite blogs to write every year because I get to share my hopes for the future. And, along the way I can offer up strategies for you to do the same. Let’s get started so I can share my theme for 2023 (and how to choose your own)! I love the feel of January. After all, it’s like starting a new book with endless plot possibilities. I’m curious – how do you turn the

How To Reflect on Last Year and Set Goals for the New Year
Starting a new year can feel overwhelming but it’s all about how to reflect on last year and set goals for the new year. Time to move forward. Ironically, a powerful way to do that is to start with self-reflection. So, set aside time to assess your personal and professional development over the past year and use that to determine your future path. No judgment, no guilt. Goal Setting Isn’t for Everyone – To Set Goals or Not First, there

3 Steps to Successful Goal Setting
I’m keeping it simple here with 3 steps to successful goal setting but first, let’s tackle the fact that setting goals is a hot trend. And, not setting goals is a hot trend. No matter whether you follow the mainstream adages or not, there is no denying that it’s a good feeling to start the new year with a clean slate and some direction of what you want to achieve. But for all the good intentions, New Year’s resolutions often

4 Ways to Stop Procrastination
Even the most productive, capable people can hit a horrific snag in their lives —- it’s called procrastination. I am that ‘get it done’ type of person that loves productivity! However, sometimes I hit a concrete wall where I can’t make my way through some task or project. And, I don’t take it at all well. So, let me share 4 ways to stop procrastination. What is Procrastination? Procrastination is defined as ‘putting off intentionally the doing of something that

What is Toxic Positivity? And Why It Matters.
Chances are good that you’ve experienced toxic positivity – either delivered to you by a well-meaning person or, unintentionally doling it out to others. And while it can be easily misconstrued, it’s important to understand what toxic positivity actually is. Toxic positivity involves dismissing negative emotions and responding to distress with false reassurances rather than empathy. It’s the belief that no matter how difficult a situation is, people should maintain a positive mindset. But, while having a positive mindset is important, toxic

The Importance of Networking
“The Importance of Networking” Featured in The Squamish Chief newspaper, March 2022. Author: Jennifer Thuncher Like the repetition of “location, location, location” as a central tenet of the real estate market, networking is often heralded as the key to success as an entrepreneur. But what does it truly mean to network, and why is it essential for fledgling female Sea to Sky Corridor entrepreneurs? Whistler’s Cathy Goddard of Lighthouse Visionary Strategies, a coaching and mentoring firm primarily geared at women

International Women’s Day: Break the Bias
As we celebrate International Women’s Day 2022 on March 8th, we are reminded that the campaign isn’t for just one day. It runs all year long and we can must continually pledge to move from talk to action within our own spheres of influence. Collectively, we can make change happen. Collectively, we can each help to create a gender equal world. THE THEME FOR 2022 The 2022 theme for International Women’s Day is #BreakTheBias. Therefore, this theme is about collective individualism. We

Why Shop Local?
This pandemic may not have offered a lot of bright spots but one highlight is how many people recognized the importance of shopping at local businesses. But, why shop local? When you spend your dollars in local stores, it connects and supports communities, as well as enhances wealth and employment by circulating dollars many times between businesses. How Important is Small Business in British Columbia? Small business is defined as a company with less than fifty employees. For 25 years,

4 Steps to Create Your Personal Manifesto
My theme for 2022 is Joy Trigger. For me, my theme is a constant source of inspiration that carries me through the year. It gives me clarity on what I want to achieve, how I want to live and provides a beacon for easy decision making. But, words are just words unless we give them context and purpose. I do that by creating a short and sweet manifesto to add depth. To help, here are 4 steps to create your

My Theme for 2022 (and how to choose your own)
Well, 2021 was one for the books. Am I right? Who knew that we would still be living with this pandemic and all the challenges that come with it? And, although we still face challenges in the coming year I’m always excited to make plans. This blog is my favourite to write every year because I get to share my hopes for the future. Here, I share my theme for 2022 (and how to choose your own)! I love the

2021 In Review: To Set Goals or Not?
The last couple years have been real crackerjacks, haven’t they? And while we sometimes want to bury our heads in the sand, it is always helpful to look at 2021 in review. And yes, to consider what we want in 2022. To Set Goals or Not There are a lot of theories about goal setting. In some cases, setting goals is a hot trend. And not setting goals is a hot trend. This doesn’t even cover resolutions! After all, New

Truth and Reconciliation
September 30, 2021 marks the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. This new national day honours the lost children and Survivors of residential schools, their families and communities. Public commemoration of the tragic and painful history and ongoing impacts of residential schools is a vital component of the reconciliation process. Over the last three years, I’ve been on a journey of learning about Indigenous issues and what is meant by Truth and Reconciliation. Learning and listening but not knowing

What I’ve Learned About Dying with Dignity
Since being a part of my sister’s final journey, I’ve wanted to share what I’ve learned about dying with dignity. It’s a tough and raw topic. Medical Assistance in Dying I’ve always supported MAID, Medical Assistance In Dying although I know it is a complex issue. My viewpoint has focused on respecting that someone has the right to die with dignity. It seems that Canada has finally found a way to acknowledge personal autonomy for those seeking access to MAID,

Tips to Improve Your Financial Well-Being
Written by Cathy Goddard, Lighthouse’s Founder: Tips to Improve Your Financial Well-Being Does money buy happiness? Are you happy with your income? Do you believe getting a raise would make your future brighter? You’ve probably heard the old adage, “money can’t buy happiness” but many sure would like to find out. A recent analysis conducted by Advisor Perspectives shows more money can equal more happiness at certain income levels. Apparently as people earn more money, their day-to-day happiness rises. Until

Financial Wellness for Your Future
Written by Lighthouse’s Founder, Cathy Goddard: Financial Wellness for Your Future How would you describe your comfort level with money? Are you a wizard with finances? Or do you avoid the issue like the plague? Women & Money Like many women, money is not a topic that I embrace and before you lash out at me for that statement… the statistics don’t lie. According to a Wells Fargo Financial Health Study from a few years back, “45% of women grade

International Women’s Day: Choose To Challenge
Written by Cathy Goddard – International Women’s Day: Choose to Challenge I remember the moment I first saw this picture. My cousin and her daughter are on the picket lines in Toronto during the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020. It all boiled down to one word for me – BUT. Witnessing that brave young woman wave a sign that challenged us all – “BLACK PEOPLE SAY ‘STOP KILLING US’ AND PEOPLE ARE SAYING ‘BUT’……” BUT….. That small word shifted

Move Beyond Performative Allyship
Do you recall the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020? How everyone rallied to support this cause? Social media feeds were lit up with allyship about the injustice and white priviledge? On the surface, it seemed that we had crossed a bridge and then – hard stop. Many forms of allyship were recognized as something else – and here is why it’s important to define and move beyond performative allyship. What is Performative Allyship? First, let’s look at what real

My Theme for 2021 (and how to choose your own)
Well, are you as ready as I am for the new year? Let’s face it, 2020 was a cracker jack. And, although we still face challenges in the coming year I’m always excited to make plans. This blog is my favourite to write every year because I get to share my hopes for the future. Here, I share my theme for 2021 (and how to choose your own)! Because, I love the feel of January. After all, it’s like starting

2020 In Review: The Year of Unachieved Goals
The year 2020 will be remembered for many things. A pandemic, hand sanitizer and masks, zoom, homeschooling, the frenzy to stockpile toilet paper, social distancing, lockdowns, working from home. So many things! And then there is 2020 in review: the year of unachieved goals. What we set out to achieve wasn’t always achievable – or even that meaningful all things considered. To Set Goals or Not Nonetheless, setting goals is a hot trend. And not setting goals is a hot

7 Tips to Kickstart 2021
This year has been unusual, right? As we continue to navigate through this pandemic, many are struggling to keep momentum, be productive and achieve results. But it’s time to put 2020 in the rear-view mirror. Here’s 7 tips to kickstart 2021 with renewal. But wait! Before we jump into these tips be warned – these are gentle, baby steps to nudge you forward. It’s okay not to go after huge results. Instead, let’s just focus on clearing the clutter, and

The Next Life
So, I want to start this blog by letting you know that I have some pretty strong thoughts about the next life. Having had a front row seat to dying more than once, I can tell you it’s hard. And beautiful. And heartbreaking. And a priviledge. One guide that has helped me navigate the messages of the dying is ‘Final Gifts: Understanding the Special Awareness, Needs and Communications of the Dying.’ It was given to me back in 2003 when

The Gift Of Life
The Gift of Life takes on unique meaning for people. For my family, we received it as a Christmas miracle on December 23rd, 2011. My sister, Peggy received a kidney and pancreas transplant and thus, a chance at a healthy life. A chance for normalcy in her daily routine, or perhaps even spontaneity. We, as healthy people, take such things for granted. My Sister’s Story Peggy had been a Type 1 diabetic since she was twenty-five years old facing insulin

Come Together to Cowork Online
After a year of hosting these co-working sessions, I’ve hit pause for now. But I wanted to leave this blog online to explain the importance of connection! You are not alone so should you need support, please reach out to me anytime. Original Blog Post in March 2020. Yes, we must come together to cowork online and combat isolation. It’s the only way. By now, we hopefully all know the rules and yet, it is new and tricky territory. Self-isolate,