What is Toxic Positivity? And Why It Matters.

toxic positivity

Chances are good that you’ve experienced toxic positivity – either delivered to you by a well-meaning person or, unintentionally doling it out to others. And while it can be easily misconstrued, it’s important to understand what toxic positivity actually is. Toxic positivity involves dismissing negative emotions and responding to distress with false reassurances rather than empathy. It’s … Read more

International Women’s Day: Break the Bias


As we celebrate International Women’s Day 2022 on March 8th, we are reminded that the campaign isn’t for just one day.  It runs all year long and we can must continually pledge to move from talk to action within our own spheres of influence.  Collectively, we can make change happen. Collectively, we can each help to … Read more

How To Salvage The Rest of 2020


September is my favorite month.  Here in Whistler, it’s often an extension of summer but without the crowds.  But, nothing is predictable this year, is it? As we head into fall, uncertainty still looms. When will this pandemic end?  How do I manage the times when it feels so heavy? When I am full of worry? … Read more

International Women’s Day 2020

International Women's Day

As we celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8th, we are reminded that the campaign isn’t for just one day.  It runs all year long and we can must continually pledge to move from talk to action within our own spheres of influence.  Collectively, we can make change happen. Collectively, we can each help to create … Read more

Reclaim Your Time and Reduce Overwhelm


That’s right – reclaim your time and reduce overwhelm. Tell me this – are you happy with how you spend your time? Or does a sense of overwhelm regularly dominate your week? Maybe you often feel one step behind because there aren’t enough hours in a day?  How often does the word ‘busy’ seep into … Read more

Set your Intentions

for your best life