Setting goals is a hot trend. And not setting goals is a hot trend. No matter whether you follow the mainstream adages or not, there is no denying that it’s a good feeling to start the new year with a clean slate and some direction of what you want to achieve.
But for all the good intentions, New Year’s resolutions often fall flat with very few people actually achieving goals set at this time of year. In fact, a Forbes article claimed that University of Scranton research suggests just eight per cent of people achieve their New Year’s goals.
One problem is that people succumb to pressure to kick off lofty goals on January 1 and therefore, those objectives are often not grounded in reality. We are a society compelled to achieve more and more but it’s always good to remember that without realistic goals and some planning to achieve them, overwhelm can kick in.
Here are three things that will ensure you set yourself up for success with goal setting.
REFLECTION – It might seem counter-intuitive to look back when planning forward but this is an important step. Reflecting on the previous year provides the opportunity to celebrate your wins and let go of what didn’t work so well. Author Richard Wagamese described it beautifully in his book, ‘One Native Life’.
“My people say that there are seven hills to life. Each hill is a vantage point for looking back, though not everyone takes the time for reflection. The Ojibway say it is only in looking back that you discern the trail, identify the climb and rest contented in each stage of the journey. From there you can look back on the vast panorama of your life and come to know who you are by the virtue of who you’ve been.”
Here are a few questions to guide you through a meaningful reflection process.
What did I set out to achieve in 2019 and did I do everything possible to support myself in achieving those goals? If not, what can I change?
What worked in 2019? Did I take time to celebrate those successes?
What gave me pleasure in 2019?
What was missing? Does it matter that it was missing?
What were my roadblocks and how can I overcome them? Did something or someone hold me back in 2019?
Did I reach my financial targets? If not, why not? How can I have a different outcome and financial success in 2020?
Who inspired me in my professional life? How can I build a meaningful connection with that person in 2020?
VISION & VALUES – This is a two-prong approach that works in unison. What is your vision for 2020? There are lots of jokes floating around out there about 2020 and perfect vision – get it? Although it can be challenging to craft a vision for your year, it is an important step because as you start to create an action plan, you will need to come back to that vision again and again. That vision formulates from the reflection exercises mentioned earlier and contemplating what you may want to achieve this year and aligning it all with your values. Have your values changed in some way as I start the new year?
A motivational ritual is to set a word or theme to catapult you through the coming year. Did something jump out in your answers to the above questions? Ask yourself this: “When I’m standing here on December 31, 2020, what does my life look like?” Your theme might resonate through that visualization and when that happens, it is clear as day! Using that word or theme throughout the year will keep you grounded and on track to achieving your goals and targets.
PLAN YOUR WORK & WORK YOUR PLAN – All the planning in the world doesn’t matter if it isn’t actionable. To avoid seeing your goals fizzle, break them down into smaller, achievable steps and build a plan that prompts you to take action. There are platforms out there that will help you capture what needs to get done and when. Two of my favorites are Asana and Wunderlist. I also cross-reference some tasks and insert them right in my calendar, color coding them of course. You can learn more about that in my blog on time management here.
When it comes to the format you use, understand that our brains work differently so finding a process that works for how you’re wired is paramount to your motivation. If you are a visual person, a vision board or mind map could work best. If you like to organize your tasks into a list format, a project management system might work. Explore your options and try different things.
One essential piece to an effective plan is
starting with the end in mind. What that means is deciding what you want
to achieve (the end goal) and by when you want to
complete it. Then work your way backwards. It becomes a bit of
a dance to work out your action plan from beginning to end but avoids the
mistake of mapping out the steps to take from the start date, only to
discover that you don’t have enough time to meet your deadline.
Here’s an example. Your goal is to take a vacation to Spain in November 2020. Obviously, you will block the time for your vacation in that month. Then roll it backwards of what you have to do to make that a reality. That might include saving $2,000 for the vacation and therefore breaking that into putting aside $200 per month starting in January. You will want to decide where you are going and book accommodation by April if you are going to a tourist area. You get the idea.
And an example for your professional
realm. If you want to complete a business plan by March 1, 2020 you
can start there, and note all the parts of the plan and dates
to complete by. You’ll want to complete the financial plan close to
the end to accommodate costs you’ll need for your marketing and other
goals so slotting in enough time to complete that is key. You can then
jump back to the beginning to line up the timeline for your mission, products,
research and marketing plans.
If you’re keen to have a visual aid to launch your planning process, download my free Treasure Map here. This specially-designed 2 page template will guide you through creating a vision, aligning it with your values and essentially charting a course of action.
And if you want to delve in deeper, my hugely
popular ‘Set Your Intentions for
Your Best Life’ workshop is now an online course. Year
after year, people have used these tools
to plan out goals of what they want to achieve and now, it’s a self-directed
mini course with fresh content, online instruction and exercises that will
guide you to chart your own course. It’s meant to be fun and introspective so
take a look and sign up today.
Now it’s your turn. I would love to know your theme for 2020. Share in the comments below.
Here’s to a year of making dreams come true.
Cathy Goddard is the founder of Lighthouse Visionary Strategies, offering customized one-on-one coaching, an award-winning mentor program and innovative online programs. She writes Lighthouse’s blog and is a feature columnist for Pique Newsmagazine.